The GAFF Limerick

Providing a city centre resource for Theatre and Performing Arts in Limerick

Field of Dreams and Queens of the island field

In 2015, The Gaff worked with King's island Senior Citizen Group and Limerick Youth Theatre – both groups collaborated in an intergenerational, performance-based project in May 2015 as part of the national Bealtaine festival. 'Field of Dreams', a drama and storytelling project, a short performance , written by Mike Finn and directed by Joan Sheehy. 'Field of Dreams was presented in The Town House, Athlunkhard Street on the 23rd of May 2015 as part of The Gaff's community based programmes.

In 2017  Queens of the Island Field, opened in the Belltable Theatre Limerick.  Field of Dreams was, again, presented with an entire community cast from Moyross, St. Mary's, Garryowen and other communities.  Mike Finn's Field of Dreams was augmented by Washed Up, a short work, devised by Monica Spencer with young people from St. Mary's Community and with support from Limerick Youth Service.  The show was enjoyed by audiences from all over Limerick but, particularly, by residents from The Island.


The Limerick Theatre and Performance Hub Ltd., T/A The Gaff, 30 Lord Edward St, Limerick City

Email: Phone: 087 993 0553

CRO 538125 | CHY23128